Alchemy [Alkəmē] Experience

Experience the alchemy of sacred sexuality and personal intimacy. Learn to speak your truth compassionately. Honor your anger and communicate your boundaries for healthier relating. Connect deeper with your self through conscious sensual living.

What is ‘Alkeme’ anyway? ‘Alkeme’ is the phonetic spelling of the word ‘Alchemy’

  • a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.
    “finding the person who’s right for you requires a very subtle alchemy”

Reality is a perception-based experience. Shifting your perception of reality involves 

Thinking about the person you no longer want to be:

  • What limiting beliefs are creating suffering?
  • What patterns are sabotaging your happiness?
  • What habits are no longer serving you?
  • What is this costing you?

Followed by the person you want to become:

  • What traits/qualities of people that you admire would you like to embody?
  • What ignites your fire of passion & purpose?
  • What are you fully committed to?
  • What do you need to do or be in order to attain your goal?

Once you have anchored in the ideal experience of your new being, we apply techniques to rewire your mind and let go of the past, opening your perception to new possibilities. Through guided accountability and practice of aligning with new habits, you will experience an extraordinary shift in your reality as a new level of being.

Explore your limitless awareness of being in self-mastery, self-acceptance, and self-love. The Alkeme approach uses various tools, techniques, and exercises which incorporate breath/sound/movement to help channel your raw energy (prana or chi) toward consciously manifesting your desires into reality.

  • Address inner core wounds that may be inhibiting your current sex life
  • Connect with your sexual energy through breathwork and ecstatic movement practices
  • Explore new methods of accessing your pleasure using conscious kink
  • Navigate through your fears to achieve your goals by exploring your shadows (unconscious patterns)
  • Feel what it is like to blissfully surrender to loving presence

Experience a new level of transformation with a 3-session Live Immersion Experience

Session 1: Awakening to Life

  • Learn about your 4-body system
  • Separate the facts from ‘the story’ and identify patterns keeping you from reaching your true inner peace
  • Experience feminine & masculine energy through breath/sound/movement
  • Learn how to clearly communicate your Desires/Fears/Boundaries in all forms of relating

Session 2: Shining Light on Shadows

  • Identify past traumas and BS (Belief Systems) that are holding you back from living your life in full presence
  • Identify aspects of your ego that no longer serve you and need to be put to rest
  • Transmute past experiences using emotional release tools
  • Connect deeper with your fears to better understand your desires

Session 3: Dancing with Desire

  • What is it you truly desire?
  • Connect with your heart and learn to communicate your desires with confidence
  • Experiment and explore the concept of ‘surrendering to pleasure’
  • Experience your inner marriage (aka ‘Sacred Union’)

Are you ready jump off the edge and into the driver’s seat of your life towards more pleasure and purpose? Contact Johnny Vajra for more information, or fill out the application form below and book a Tantra Healing session to initiate the discovery process.

Apply Here to Work With Me

Alkǝmē Tantra Sessions can include coaching in breath, movement, body awareness, boundary-setting, communication, anatomy, sensate focus, and other body-based exercises. Complete this application and book a session to begin your journey.
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