Solve et Coagula

‘Solve et Coagula’ refers to the alchemical process of dissolving and recombining (integrating) a substance, or simply breaking something down before rebuilding it in a superior (higher) form.

To become a butterfly, a caterpillar first digests itself. But certain groups of cells survive, turning the soup into eyes, wings, antennae and other adult structures

Once a caterpillar has disintegrated all of its tissues except for the imaginal discs, those discs use the protein-rich soup all around them to fuel the rapid cell division required to form the wings, antennae, legs, eyes, genitals and all the other features of an adult butterfly or moth. The imaginal disc for a fruit fly’s wing, for example, might begin with only 50 cells and increase to more than 50,000 cells by the end of metamorphosis. Depending on the species, certain caterpillar muscles and sections of the nervous system are largely preserved in the adult butterfly. One study even suggests that moths remember what they learned in later stages of their lives as caterpillars.

‘Solve et Coagula’ is the wonderful psychological metaphor for our inner work towards individuation, or the process of becoming self-actualized.

In order to do this, we must own our unconscious desires and patterns, acknowledge them, and learn how to love those aspects of ourselves in order to fully integrate them. Much like the caterpillar who turns itself into soup, digests itself, and actualizes into beauty.

What desires or patterns do you feel shame or guilt about? What happens when you sprinkle a little love into those parts of yourself? Feel free to share in the comments 😈💗

#shadowwork #tantra #alchemy #love #magic #miracles #innerwork #cocooning #butterfly #caterpillar #nature #wild #wildlife #wildlove2020 #motivation #darkness #light #darklight #existentialkink #kink #bdsm

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